Within the YEE (Youth and Environmental Europe) project “Youth Digital Communic[ACTION]” and “Strengthening the European Youth Climate Movement: Showcasing and Supporting the Unheard”, 7Arte has organized the workshop focusing on the topic “How to create a successful digital campaign”.
This event was organized on 21.07, during the days of the twelfth edition of Green Fest, the annual festival organized by 7Arte in Mitrovica. The name of the event was ” Tide the environment up”, coming from the motto of this year’s edition, which was “Tide up”. Participants were young people between the ages of 17 and 24, from the city of Mitrovica. The workshop aimed to acquaint the participants with the current climate challenges in the country, as well as the adequate use of technology to address issues related to the environment.
The opening of the workshop was made with a presentation on the notions of sustainable development, digital campaigns and their structuring. In continuation of the workshop, active discussions were held with the participants, thus encouraging critical thinking and reflection on our daily actions as a society and actors of an ecosystem at risk. The participants exchanged ideas on possible practices that can have an impact at the local and global level, as well as the ways in which these practices can be appealed through digital campaigns.
Discussions about environmental issues, ways to solve various problems. Location: 7Arte
Among other things, during the workshop the participants were introduced to the work of YEE, the projects and the opportunities it offers. For example, Blerta Breznica and Marigona Rexha who were part of the Youth Greenoble Summit shared their positive experiences with the YEE organization and the green city of Grenoble, France. The participants were also informed about the project “Showcasing the Unheard” and had the opportunity to see the tasks completed by 7 Arte at that time (the digital toolkit, some of the completed videos, and heard about some of the interviews conducted so far).
Within the framework of the workshop, the participants were invited to be part of the discussion led by Xhevdet Gegollaj, permaculture practitioner and executive founder of the Green Foundation. Through this discussion, it was concluded in a multitude of opportunities that we as a society possess to protect the environment, even by taking care of the waste after the consumption of food. This discussion concluded the one-day workshop, and the participants expressed their pleasure to have been a part of it.
This event was supported by #YEE #oxfam #EuropeanCommission #CANEurope.
The presentation and discussion led by Xhevdet Gegollaj, executive founder of the Green Foundation. Location: City Museum